About kerry
Cool Breeze
Over The Mountain

certified breathwork instructor

Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher

Fully Insured and Enhanced DBS checked
kerry mccarthy
Hi! I’m Kerry and I am passionate about Pranayama and improving mental health and wellbeing.
I come from a place where depression, trauma, and anxiety defined me. Over the years I have worked hard to understand and implement strategies, tools, and techniques that have increased my own happiness, reduced stress and improved my general health and wellbeing.
“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”
Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker
What would happen if just one person was a little bit happier? A bit more sure of themselves, their thoughts, their feelings? This is what I want to share with you, through exploration and self-discovery, on and off the mat!
Join me for Breathwork, Movement, Mindfulness, and amazing wellbeing tips and tricks that can make a difference to more than just your day.
cool breeze over the mountain
I am a massive fan of Keanu Reeves, not for his acting – for him as a wholesome human. His is kind, he is compassionate, he is humble… he embodies and lives the yamas and niyamas – a true inspiration leading by example.
Keanu translates as cool breeze over the mountain, words which for me also symbolize the steadiness and solidity of just being, contentment, and if we wish asana combined with the breath and parnayama. Cool Breeze Over The Mountain is about finding steadiness and peace in your parctice, using the breath – letting the life force of the breath wash over you, the mountain.
teacher training
teaching experience
students taught
commitment to share

certified breathwork instructor

Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher

Fully Insured and DBS checked
Inside The Blog
Coming soon! Below will be some key moments in my journey and answers to some FAQs. Follow the links below or head straight to the Cool Breeze Blog to discover more!

Get in touch!
I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions about starting a new practice, resuming a lapsed practice or maybe you would just like to know a bit more about what’s involved. Whatever your enquiry – please do get in touch and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Contact Kerry
At cool breeze breathwork +yoga